Smoked by a Windows Phone? Android, iPhone devices lose against WP7 in speed tests.


Essential Member
Feb 7, 2009
During CES 2012, Microsoft's Ben Rudolph set out to challenge iOS and Android users by outperforming their devices in simple, everyday tasks. These included going from locked screen>>Snapping a shot and uploading it to Facebook/Twitter, finding local business', directions and more!

The results should come as no surprise to people already using Windows Phone - the HTC Titan trumped almost every device in every test performed.

The catch to this deal? If your device lost, you had to get a mugshot holding a still frame "My Phone just got smoked by a Windows Phone". IF you WON, Ben would hand you over $100 cash, no cache.

The results?
  • 30 wins
  • 3 losses
  • 1 ties

See more videos here! Link Removed
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